EuroCham in Dong Nai: Connecting the Business Community

Bien Hoa, 20 September - EuroCham organised a "Business Update and Networking" event in Dong Nai, with the support of the Sonadezi Corporation. 

This was the first ever such event of EuroCham in the province, aiming to provide the local business community with enriching discussions on crucial topics and an opportunity to gather and network. The Business Update session focused on Labour regulations, cybersecurity (Deloitte Vietnam), staff skills and development (Vietnamese-German University), and CSR certification (TUV-SUD Vietnam) - all areas of great relevance to companies in the area.

Speakers joining a panel discussion after their presentations, left to right: Brian O'Reilly (VGU), Sathish Kumar (TUV-SUD Vietnam), Nguyen Man Hung, Ngoc Nguyen, Christopher Cao (Deloitte Vietnam)

The programme started with a pre-event bilateral meeting with the leadership of Sonadezi, with the presence of General Director Mr. Phan Dinh Tham. Sonadezi introduced the universe of its industrial parks portfolio, locaitons where many EuroCham members also conduct their operations, particularly manufacturing. The EuroCham delegation was led by Deputy Director Mr. Joaquim Torrinha and Executive Committee Member Mr. Christoph Schill. EuroCham Southeastern Vietnam Delegates Ms. Uyen Tran (Deloitte Vietnam) and Mr. Brian O'Reilly (VGU), as well as other member representatives, were also present.

From the left: Mr. Phan Dinh Tham (General Director of Sonadezi), Mr. Joaquim Torrinha, Mr. Christoph Schill, Ms. Le Pham Ngoc Huyen (EuroCham)

This Business Update and Networking event was driven by the EuroCham Southeastern Vietnam Chapter (ESV Chapter), gathering more than 30 European, Europe-related and other interested business professionals in Dong Nai around an interesting agenda. The networking session, kindly offered by Sonadezi, also allowed for further informal exchanges and connection-building. A successful first event in Dong Nai for EuroCham and its members, resulting in a commitment towards further cooperation between EuroCham and Sonadezi and more such initiatives in the future.

The leadership of Sonadezi Corporation, guests, and the EuroCham delegation joined a networking moment after the session came to a close

The event was held at Sonadezi Building by Sonadezi Giang Dien - a member of Sonadezi Corporation owning and managing the building.
